In the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Acker, such secrets of becoming a millionaire are told, by adopting which you too can become rich! Let's know about those secrets.

Your income can only increase to the extent that you grow.

Ifyour goal is to be comfortable, there are chances that you will never be rich. But your goal is to become rich, so chances are that you will become very comfortable!

Rich people believe "Imake my own life!" Poor people believe that "events happen to me in life!"

If you're not totally and truly dedicated to becoming rich, chances are you won't be.

Most people don't get what they want because they don't know what they want.

Rich people play the money game to win! Poor people play money game to avoid defeat.

If your goal is to be comfortable, there are chances that you will never be rich. But if your goal is to become rich, chances are you will become very comfortable.

Rich people think big! Poor people think small.

Rich people praise other rich and successful people. Poor people hate rich and successful people.

If you want to know about more such secrets then click below